© 2023 Jelle de Jong

Vogelbescherming Nederland aims to protect wild birds and their habitats, in the Netherlands and worldwide. Vogelbescherming Nederland declared 2023 the Year of the Oystercatcher, in collaboration with Sovon Vogelonderzoek and Stichting Onderzoek Scholeksters (SOS). The oystercatcher, a beautiful bird with a characteristic call, breeds in nature reserves, in the countryside and even in the city. Despite this, the species has declined sharply in recent decades. With the support of Fonds 1999, Vogelbescherming Nederland conducted targeted research into the causes of this decline. Professionals, volunteers and the general public could participate. Based on all this new information, recommendations have been made for the protection of the oystercatcher, such as nature-inclusive construction in urban areas, bird-friendly agriculture in agricultural areas, and more foraging and resting areas in nature reserves such as the Zuidwestelijke Delta and de Wadden.


© 2023 Jelle de Jong

Vogelbescherming Nederland aims to protect wild birds and their habitats, in the Netherlands and worldwide. Vogelbescherming Nederland declared 2023 the Year of the Oystercatcher, in collaboration with Sovon Vogelonderzoek and Stichting Onderzoek Scholeksters (SOS). The oystercatcher, a beautiful bird with a characteristic call, breeds in nature reserves, in the countryside and even in the city. Despite this, the species has declined sharply in recent decades. With the support of Fonds 1999, Vogelbescherming Nederland conducted targeted research into the causes of this decline. Professionals, volunteers and the general public could participate. Based on all this new information, recommendations have been made for the protection of the oystercatcher, such as nature-inclusive construction in urban areas, bird-friendly agriculture in agricultural areas, and more foraging and resting areas in nature reserves such as the Zuidwestelijke Delta and de Wadden.