© 2022 War Child Libanon


War Child has worked with local partners in Lebanon to create a protective environment for vulnerable children between the ages of 3 and 18. In Lebanon, the deteriorating socio-economic situation is creating increasing challenges that often affect children. For example, children are often forced to work because their parents no longer have work. As a result, they do not go to school, they are at risk of exploitation and neglect, and they suffer from excessive responsibilities. Fonds 1999 helped make it possible for War Child to assist more than 700 vulnerable children through so-called case workers. These case workers looked at the situation of the child and his/her family and helped where necessary.








© 2022 War Child Libanon

War Child has worked with local partners in Lebanon to create a protective environment for vulnerable children between the ages of 3 and 18. In Lebanon, the deteriorating socio-economic situation is creating increasing challenges that often affect children. For example, children are often forced to work because their parents no longer have work. As a result, they do not go to school, they are at risk of exploitation and neglect, and they suffer from excessive responsibilities. Fonds 1999 helped make it possible for War Child to assist more than 700 vulnerable children through so-called case workers. These case workers looked at the situation of the child and his/her family and helped where necessary.